How to Knit Sailors Rib, an easy alternative
Whilst browsing through my ancient knitting stitches book to gather inspiration, I instantly made my pick and decided to knit sailors rib.
It is a knitting pattern that I associate with my mother and I’m sure she maybe used it to knit something for my dad back in the day.
Does it happen to you too?
That something like a knitting stitch or jersey or image can evoke so much memories?
However, I must clarify, the sailors rib is definitely suitable to knit for anyone and anything. And ultimately even a ladies knitwear item will look stunning in the Sailors knit stitch.
knit sailors rib – free knitting stitch pattern
materials needed:
- The sample was knit with Elle Double Knit (DK) yarn / Light worsted yarn
- Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn (I used 4mm, 6US, 8UK)
- Pattern
I found the Patons Classic Wool DK Yarn on Amazon that looks similar to what I’ve used:
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knitting techniques used:
- Casting on stitches
- Knit stitch
- Purl stitch
- Knitting into the back loop of the stitch
- Casting off stitches
size / dimensions (approximate):
4.5″ wide (11.43cm) x 4″ long (approximate 10cm) knit over 28 rows.
skill level:
Don’t think because you are a beginner you can not attempt something new.
If you are new to knitting, it is just a matter of changing your direction! (meaning literally to knit a few stitches through the back loop).
k – knit
k(1) tbl – knit 1 stitch through the back loop
p – purl
rep – repeat
RS – right side
st – stitch
sts – stitches
knitting pattern instructions
stitch PATTERN to knit sailor’s rib:
Cast on multiples of 5 sts plus 1.
Knit as follows:-
Rows 1 (RS) – k(1) tbl, *p1, k2, p1, k(1) tbl, rep from * to end
2nd Row – p1, *k1, p2, k1, p1, rep from* to end
3rd Row – k(1) tbl, *p4, k(1) tbl, rep from * to end
4th Row – p1, *k4, p1, rep from * to end
Repeat these four rows until you have enough rows.
Cast off and weave in ends.
different KNITTING RIB stitches
- 1 x 1 Ribbing
- 2 x 2 Ribbing
- 3 x 3 Ribbing
- Garter Stitch Rib
- Moss Rib
- Fisherman’s Rib
- Mock Fisherman’s Rib
- Half Fisherman’s Rib
- Broken Rib Stitch
- Ridge Rib Stitch
- Cartridge Belt Rib Stitch
- Farrow Rib Stitch
- Hunters Stitch
The Sailor’s Rib stitch is an easy stitch and can be used in a variety of beginner knitting projects.
Did you enjoy this post? And you know someone who might also enjoy learning different knitting stitches, or who wants to expand on her knitting library, PLEASE SHARE!
Thank you for visiting my blog!
Happy knitting!
- How to start, essentials
- How to make a Slip Knot
- How to cast on stitches (knit method)
- The basic knit stitch
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