How to Knit Oblique Moss Stitch, a diagonal pattern

In this blog post, I am sharing the pattern to knit oblique moss stitch.

For myself and other non-native English speakers, oblique means “slanting”, “not parallel” or “another term for slash”.

This moss knitting stitch, creates a diagonal textured look on a stocking stitch background and uses only knit and purl stitches.

Oblique Moss Stitch an easy knit purl knitting stitch on  512x1024 How to Knit Oblique Moss Stitch, a diagonal pattern

knit oblique moss stitch – an easy knit-purl stitch pattern


  • Your knitting won’t curl as much as with just a stocking stitch pattern;
  • One way diagonals tend to stretch on the bias;
  • Avoid stretchiness by using twisted yarns.

materials needed:

  • The sample was knit using Elle Double Knit (DK) yarn / Light worsted yarn
  • Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn (I used 4mm, 6US, 8UK)
  • The Pattern

I found the Mary Maxim Baby’s Best Yarn on Amazon that looks similar to what I’ve used:

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Whilst visiting Amazon, check out my Amazon store with more Knitting Ideas.

This post contains affiliate links. I may be compensated (at no added cost to you) if you make a purchase using these links. 

knitting techniques used:

size / dimensions (approximate):

1.5″ wide (14.5cm) x 4″ long or high (approximate 10.5cm)

skill level:


Don’t think because you are a beginner you can not attempt something more advanced.  It is just a matter of trying and stick to the basics.


k     – knit

p     – purl    

st    – stitch

sts   – stitches

knitting pattern instructions to knit oblique moss stitch

stitch PATTERN:

Multiples of 5sts.

I knit the sample using 30 sts over 30 rows.

1st Row:   *K4, P1*2nd Row: *P1, K1, P3*3rd Row:  *K2, P1, K2*4th Row:  *P3, K1, P1*5th Row:  *P1, K4*6th Row:  *K1, P4*7th Row:  *K3, P1, K1*8th Row:  *P2, K1, P2*9th Row:  *K1, P1, K3*10th Row: *P4, K1*

Repeat these ten rows until you have 30 rows (or until it is long enough for your knitting item).

Cast off and weave in ends.


Learn to knit:

to wrap it up:

The Oblique moss stitch is an easy stitch to knit and is suitable to use in a beginner knitting project.  You will notice from the pattern if you’re making a mistake.

The pattern will later become second nature and you will be rewarded with a beatiful pattern.

Happy knitting!

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