How to Knit Boho Coasters Free Pattern
Want to be part of the free expression movement? Ruffle your feathers, grab your knitting needles and let’s knit BOHO coasters!
To obtain the Bohemian look, I used natural organic cotton yarn and it won’t be the perfect knitting project without the fringes. Chic style at it’s best.
The knitting stitch used, creates a woven look and if you guessed, it is the Linen stitch.
knit boho coasters – free knitting pattern
materials needed:
- Cotton Yarn (I used Elle Cotton On, Seriously Chunky / Bulky)
- Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn (I used 5.5mm, 9US, 5UK)
- Blunt Needles (stitching it together)
- Crochet hook (for fringes)
- The Pattern
I found the Jubilee Bamboo Cotton on Amazon that looks similar to what I’ve used:
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knitting techniques used:
- Casting on stitches
- How to make a knit stitch
- Yarn forward
- Yarn to the back
- Casting off stitches
size / dimensions (approximate):
4.6″ wide (11.684cm) x 4″ long (approximate 10cm)
skill level:
Don’t think because you are a beginner you can not attempt something more advanced. It is just a matter of trying and stick to the basics.
k – knit
sl – slip
sl1 – slip one stitch (tranferring the st from the left needle to the right without knitting it)(all slip stitches to be done purlwise, unless otherwise stated)
st – stitch
sts – stitches
ybk – yarn back (take it from front to back)
ywfd- yarn forward (not to increase or decrease, just bring yarn from the back to the front)
knitting pattern instructions
stitch PATTERN for boho coasters (or mug rugs):
Cast on 20 sts.
Knit as follows:-
Rows 1 – *k1, yfwd, sl1, ybk* to end (last st, wrap the yarn to the back and turn)
2nd Row – *p1, ybk, sl1, yfwd* to end
Repeat these two rows until you have 24 rows (or until it is long enough for you).
Cast off and weave in ends.
I added the fringes to my side edges (where the little bobbles form, ie one bobble for every 2 rows).
Cut 24 x 4″ strands of yarn.
Fold and place folded end through the edges of the coaster, with your crochet hook. Pull the ends through and push the knot firmly against your fabric.
Trim the ends.
You can block the coasters before adding the fringes.
to wrap it up:
The Linen stitch is an easy stitch to knit and the coasters are really a beginner knitting project. You will notice from the pattern if you made a mistake.
When I was knitting this up, I sometimes forgot if I had to knit or slip, but you can work it out easily by:
- counting your stitches – every second stitch should be a knit stitch and
- the knit stitch will form a “V” and the slip stitch will have a horizontal piece of yarn.
Happy knitting!
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Definitely! Thanks for stopping by.
These will make great hostess gifts! I can’t wait to get started!!