
Variation on Easy Quick Knit Square – Free Pattern

The mitred (mitered) knit square is ideal to use for scarves, pillow covers, or throws, but a variation of the knit square pattern allows you to choose and select interesting textures and color combinations.

The pattern for the original knit square pattern is available here – it is a garter stitch pattern as shown in the image below:

Free Easy Knit Square Pattern of post on www.easyonthetongue.com  Variation on Easy Quick Knit Square – Free  Pattern



The pattern provided in the original Knit square post (mitered square), is one of the most basic in knitting.

This is not a modular knitting pattern – which means you knit the first square and pick up stitches from that first square (and add more stitches) to form a new square. The result is a ‘one piece’ and not separate squares. 

The pattern in this post is for single squares.

The pattern starts with 47 stitches and ends with 3, which are knit together to cast off.

BUT…you can use any odd number of stitches decreasing 2 stitches in the middle of every second row (usually on the right side – but there are exceptions).

The size of each square is determined by:

  • the number of stitches you cast on
  • the thickness of the yarn and 
  • the size of your pair of knitting needles

You will always have an odd number of stitches = x + 1 + x.  

The prominent stitch standing out in the middle is the ‘1’ referred to in the example.  If your number of stitches does not match up on either side of the middle stitch, you will not create a square.


Stripey mitered knit square knitsquare miteredsquare Variation on Easy Quick Knit Square – Free  Pattern


What you’ll need

I used:

  • Knitting Needles (I used 4mm, 6US, 8UK)
  • Elle Gold Double Knit (DK) yarn / Light worsted yarn
  • Stitch Markers
  • Blunt Needles (stitching it together)
  • The pattern
How to knit the stripey mitered square:


The first variation on the knit square pattern is straightforward – 

Change the color of your yarn after every second row. That’s it. 

Your rows will work out like this:

A – First Color                              B – Second Color

Rows:                                            Rows:

1,2,5,6,9,10                                    3,4,7,8,11,12

13,14,17,18,21,22                             15,16,19,20,23,24

25,26,29,30,33,34                         27,28,31,32,35,36

37,38,41,42,45,46                          39,40,43,44,47

HUE shift mitered square blanket

The stripey squares are mixed up with solid colors to create a blanket or throw with the most striking hues.

This method is obtained by starting with approximately 10 colors of yarn and gradually increasing and mixing the solid and striped mitered squares.

the patterns for the variations on the mitered knit squares:

Shop your yarn, needles, and other knitting supplies on Amazon:

Some of the links are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make any purchase.  If you do, thank you so much!


I first used a multi-colored yarn for my plain knit squares and the same yarn for the variation on the knit square and added plain white.  

With the multi-colors, the difference is not as striking as with a single-colored yarn, although I kinda like it!

As an updated version, and to bring justice to the contrasting effect, a new square was added to the post – hope you like it!

Now you can purchase the new E-book containing all the current mitered square patterns in one, easy pdf.

Podia Social Media Image Variation on Easy Quick Knit Square – Free  Pattern


There will be more variations on the knit square pattern coming to this site soon, there are so many possibilities, it really makes me excited!

Happy knitting!

Variation on the knit square pattern Variation on Easy Quick Knit Square – Free  Pattern
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