Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

There is a blanket that graces our bed. It is not the prettiest blanket, nor the most intricately woven.

It is a beige, single stitch crochet blanket. Yet it is still the most important blanket in our home and in the year it took me to make it I learned many lessons.

The Big Project
Yes, this one blanket took almost a year to finish. It was the first thing I had made bigger than a scarf.

At the time I had a full-time job, wrote part-time, and still tried to keep up our home.

Fitting in some stitches here and there was the best I could do, but I was determined to create something for my husband.

Meaningful ways to show love when creating 2 Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingMeaningful ways to show love when creating 2 Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

This is the actual blanket Michele made…

Lesson 1

 Even if it takes longer than you expected, keep at it, you will get there.

It’s Not Fancy
When I began the blanket, I screwed up often. I was constantly taking out stitches and redoing them. 

When I visited a friends house and saw her beautiful blanket with an intricate pattern I was discouraged.

She was getting ready to show at the state fair with a blanket that had butterflies crocheted into it and I was having trouble going back and forth with the simplest stitch known to man!

Inspirational Quote Even if it takes longer quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingInspirational Quote Even if it takes longer quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

Lesson 2 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

My husband has never once complained there are no butterflies on his blanket.

Handmade With Love

Every time I worked on the blanket my husband would smile. He wasn’t laughing at me getting tangled up in the blanket as I tried to get it to lay just right so my stitches would look good, he was smiling because I was loving him with each and every stitch.

Each time I huffed and puffed, remade a stitch, or just sat quietly running my stitches back and forth, he smiled. I wasloving him in my own special, imperfect, simple way.

Inspirational Quote Beauty is in the eye of the beholder quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingInspirational Quote Beauty is in the eye of the beholder quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

Lesson 3  

There are many ways to show love. It takes more than gifts and sex to have a meaningful relationship

Memories Last a Lifetime

There were many things that happened over the year it took me to create this blanket, children growing, meeting new friends, and job changes all happened in that year.

There were also plenty of quiet nights at home, chatting or watching television and enjoying each others company. Those quiet nights are my favourite.

My husband and I share events from our days, plan for the future, and worry over our children. Some days are quieter than others, but these are the times I hope he remembers every time he curls up under his blanket.

Inspirational Quote Many ways to show love quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingInspirational Quote Many ways to show love quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

more inspirationals here:

Lesson 4

Savor the small moments

The big ones may stick in your head, but those small quiet everyday moments are more important than any one big moment

It has been a few years since I made the blanket and life has continued to move forward. There have been more life changes, the kids continue to grow older, and so do we. The time and effort I put into making this blanket has shown me how simple things can impact your life. My husband and I are closer because of the blanket, the quiet nights on the couch making it, and the cold mornings cuddling under it.  

The next time you eye up a $1500 quilt, remember my little blanket and all the love and joy it has brought to our home.

Inspirational Quote Savor the small moments quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingInspirational Quote Savor the small moments quote inspiration moments inspirationalquote Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

This was a guest post by Michele Cook.You can catch more of her lovely writings on Micheles Finding Happiness Meaningful Ways to Show Love when CreatingThis was a guest post by Michele Cook.You can catch more of her lovely writings on Micheles Finding Happiness Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating

Michele’s Books:

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 Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating Meaningful Ways to Show Love when Creating


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