Grandchildren….life’s second change!
When my friends started expressing their ‘readiness’ to become grandmas, I just said – It will happen in its time…
At the time, I was not comprehending the effect of grandparenthood.
However, nothing could prepare me for the big chunk of LOVE the tiny humans would eat off of my heart!
And guess who got the GRANDMA batch first?
Let me tell you how becoming a grandma gave me a second chance in life.
Chances are, that when you first had your own children, you were a young mom or dad. The second time around, you have so much time to dedicate to your children’s children.
You will understand the essence of quality time and how impactful you can be on these young human beings.
Are you a Grandparent?
Does the word mean something different to you now that you are one too?
Be honest, have gone nuts, pulling faces, singing songs, being full of cookies, milk, and some other stuff that gets harder with time…..? I mean I rode on a train in a mall where I once wandered in my ‘corporate attire’! By the way, I enjoyed the ride.
Let’s explore the unique relationship between grandparents and their grandkids, sprinkled with heartwarming quotes and nuggets of wisdom.
The Grandchild-Grandparent Bond QUOTES
There is a bond between grandparents and their grandchildren, sprinkled with love, knowledge, experience, and hindsight. These meaningful quotes capture this special connection:
- “Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little warmer, a little kinder.”
- “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your grandchildren.”
- “Simple moments with your grandchildren often become the most priceless memories.”
- “Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” – Mary H. Waldrip
- “Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.” – Doug Larson
Wisdom from the Heart QUOTES
Grandchildren offer a second chance—a chance to do things better, to love without boundaries, and to appreciate and cherish life. I am sharing some words of wisdom inspired by these little wonders:
- “Your children are your rainbows, and your grandchildren are your pot of gold.”
- “What children need the most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance: unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, and life lessons.” – Rudy Giuliani
- “Dearer than our children are the children of our children.”
- “Grandchildren restore our zest for life and our faith in humanity.”
- “An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again. Any longer than that, and you start to age too quickly.”
- There is no love greater.
- There is nothing that compares to the smell of a baby.
- Nothing is more perfect.
- No music compares to a little one’s laugh or calling of my name.
- There is nothing softer to kiss than a baby’s cheek or neck.
- Arms around my neck, feels like a haven.
- I would do everything to protect them.
- Nothing makes me more proud than to be part of their lives.
- A little hand in mine, makes me pray.
- Those eyes make me see everything for the first time…
- Grandchildren are a gift from God.
- Being a grandparent gave me a second chance to re-live life and all its beauty.
- You discover the most important things in life, again.
How can you as a grandparent impact the lives of your grandchildren?
- By creating a special bond with each of your grandkids from their first moments on earth and as long as you live.
- Passing down your wisdom and experiences, while also learning new things from them every day.
- Making memories that will last a lifetime.
- You relive the magic of childhood and get the opportunity to be a part of their journey.
- Reassuring them of our unconditional love, for each one of them, just as they are.
- Passing down family traditions and values and be wise in showing them the way.
- Rediscovering the world through their eyes as if we have been awarded a new life.
- Sharing their sense of wonder and curiosity will give meaning to you as a grandparent.
- Share stories from our childhood, and impart valuable life lessons that will help shape their character and values.
- It is a privilege to be able to guide and support our grandchildren as they navigate the ups and downs of life, and to be available and supportive when they need it most.
- Spending time with our grandchildren is a rare currency they’ll appreciate.
- To remind them of the beauty and wonder of life and the importance of love and family.
- Regularly, have fun, laugh a lot, and take loads of pictures.
As grandparents, we have a unique role—to be storytellers, playmates, and confidantes. Our hearts expand with each giggle, each hug, and each shared secret. So let’s embrace this second chance, savor the moments, and celebrate the beautiful tapestry of love woven by our grandchildren.
So as we continue to watch our grandchildren grow and flourish, let us treasure every moment, and be grateful for the second chance that life has given us to experience the joy of grandparenthood.
I have been offered a second change of life….
Ek is seker jy kan dan identifiseer met hoe so klein wonderwerkie jou laat voel het met jul eerste ontmoeting!
Dis die beste ding wat met my kon gebeur het en ek is seker jy voel dieselfde?!
Geniet jou kleinkinders en stel altyd belang in hulle wel en weë.
Jy weet nooit hoe belangrike rol jy in sy/haar lewe speel nie.