Feeling ashamed – How to use Grammarly to do your grammar checks
Confession time:
“I must use spell check at least 634 times a DAY. No joke. I don’t know what the hell I would do without that shit!”
These were the words of a collaborator in one of my Facebook groups!
She invited the rest of the members to admit their ‘dirty little not very entrepreneurial secrets’ and guess what?
She was not alone….
Want to hear my confession?…….(drum roll)…..
English is not my home language.
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For a few months I felt ashamed of my posts because – another blogger pointed out to me that she will not bother to read my blog because of grammatical errors.
That was a low blow.
I mean really, we do spell ‘colour’ as opposed to ‘color’ but other than that, I scan my posts and really try to use the easiest English to express myself.
I would never have felt confident to write in English, had I not have a corporate background where we only communicated in English.
But….what if she was right?
I considered the services of a proofreader but could not afford one at the time.
That is when I noted the advertisement of Grammarly on blogs – and I subscribed.
The post contains Affiliate links and may result in commission should you subscribe as a result of this post.
Grammarly offers the following:
Best Plagiarism Checker & ProofreaderThe World’s Best Automated ProofreaderBest Plagiarism Checker & ProofreaderThe World’s Best Grammar Checker
So, have you ever wanted to use a word eg. ‘effect’ but all of a sudden you doubt if it should not be ‘affect’???
What happens?
You use ‘impact’ instead!
Those days are gone!
With Grammarly you will be able to:
- Eliminate grammar mistakes
- Check for Plagliarism
- Improve word choice and style and
- Enhance your writing
Grammarly boasts with a free option – spell check and alert of other matters (but not the correct option).
The BIG ? How much does it cost?
The best for last – Grammarly has a Chrome extension that is handy on your desktop whenever you need it!
In the words of The New York Times – “In most jobs, the ability to write clearly and unambiguously remains an essential skill”
I am with you ALL THE WAY! I love Grammarly and don’t know what I would do without it!
Thanks for visiting Janice and for the stumble, it’s a great referrer for me!
Hi Amanda,
I love Grammarly and have also blogged about it. I stumbled your post!
Thank you for bringing your post to the Blogger’s Pit Stop last week.
Janice, Pit Stop Crew
Hi Jen, thanks for visiting and for you kind words. I am ever so grateful for Grammarly too, love and use it each day.
Hi! I use Grammarly for everything, love it. As soon as I heard about the extension I knew I had to try it. Nice post! Visiting from the Tribe 🙂