Embroider a Burp Cloth for a New Arrival, Quick and Special Gift Idea!
One of the ‘perks’ of becoming and being a grandmother, is the privilege of time and skill to make something unique for a new baby!
If you are not as fortunate, I am hoping that this post will inspire you to make a personalised burp cloth for someone out there!
How to make cute personalised burp cloths with cloth bias – excellent baby shower gift
Supplies needed:
- Terry cloth diaper/ Cloth diaper
- Machine Embroidery Design (Design from Bunnycup Embroidery – 2 Cute Critters Applique) – or you may want an applique motif to stitch on
- Easy Applique Font (Bernina Embroidery Software V6) – or opt for applique patches to sew on
- Striking fabric for the bias binding – or buy cotton bias here
Embroider the motif with your machine or stitch the store bought motif on one corner of the towel diaper.
In my design, I used the same fabric as the bias for every second letter and matching thread for each.
Make and attach the bias according to this tutorial. I hand stitched my bias as I did not like the stitching on the bias.
If you are wondering why I did not use a bias maker in my photo’s – I must confess, my craft room is a bit of a mess. We needed to store extra furniture and I am a bit frustrated with the looks of it at the moment! There you have it, nothing and nobody are perfect!
Want to spruce up a burp cloth with some matching fabric bias – learn more at www.easyonthetongue.com
The theme for the baby shower was little elephants and because I love embroidering appliques, it was my first choice for this project.
There are just too many machine embroidery designs out there – How do I chose what to embroider on a burp cloth?
Your first consideration will be:
- Gender
- Theme of the Nursery
- Color choices of the Mom-to-be
- Your available stash
- Personalised burp cloths are my favorite – if you know the baby’s name, add it. It is always a winner!
- Monograms
- Think of what the Mommy and Daddy likes – i.e do they like modern stuff, then black, grey and white can be sure choices
- If Daddy is a hunter, he will love a camo-type design
- Cute burp cloth sayings, such as ‘Mommy’s Shopping Partner’ or “I am the apple of my Daddy’s eyes!”
- Anything that looks like a “BABY”
My favorite (I make it for all the showers) is a beautiful Tatty bear design. It stitches longer than an hour, making it quite an expensive gift!
My daughters prefer the bigger burp cloths especially if the little one is a bit older and makes more of a mess or messes!
Want free embroidery appliques?
At Adorable Applique, you can register to download a free design each day!
Check out this post for more Free Machine Embroidery designs.
If you are not a DIY enthusiast or just do not have the time to make something similar, you can order a personalised burp cloth from Nordstrom here.
Please share an image of your burp cloth project – I would love to see what you have made. You can tag me on Instagram with #easyonthetongue or send me a pic via Pinterest to https://www.pinterest.com/amandane/
If you enjoyed this project, please care to share!
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Thank you, and for hopping in Sarah!
Precious!! What a sweet way to personalize a practical gift. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your creativity at #FridayFrivolity!!
My pleasure and thanks for hosting! I will be back.
What a sweet project! Thanks for linking up with Let’s Get Real…hope to see you again soon!