Scrunchie Knitting Pattern, Quick and Inexpensive Gift

This time of year, you are either buying presents, or looking around for ideas to make some. To help you create quick and inexpensive accessories, I include the scrunchie knitting pattern for you.

To be honest, you can not make just one.  And… are knitted hair scrunchies so special?

  • For starters, as a beginner knitter, you can easily create one of the basic patterns and progress from there.
  • A perfect knitting project to use up scraps of wool.
  • You don’t need heavy and expensive equipment to knit hair scrunchies, knitting needles and yarn are all you need to start.
  • It’s a wonderful handmade gift for family, friends, teachers and co-workers.
  • It protects very fine hair, and it is
  • Pretty enough to wear to any occassion.

How to knit your own hair scrunchies. Free pattern on FB Scrunchie Knitting Pattern, Quick and Inexpensive Gift

hair scrunchie knitting pattern

materials needed:

  • Any Yarn of your choice (I used Elle Double Knit (DK) yarn / Light worsted yarn)
  • 2 contrasting or matching colors of yarn for the stripey scrunchie
  • Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn (I used 4mm, 6US, 8UK)
  • Blunt Needles (to crochet it together)
  • Elastic Hair Band (standard size)(I prefer a thicker, tighter one)
  • Pattern

I found the Bernat Softee Baby Yarn (available in different colors) on Amazon that looks similar to what I’ve used:

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This post contains affiliate links. I may be compensated (at no added cost to you) if you make a purchase using these links. 

knitting techniques used:

  • Casting on stitches
  • How to make a knit stitch
  • How to add a second color of yarn
  • Casting off stitches


  • Single Crochet stitches to close the seam (optional)

size / dimensions (approximate):

18″ wide (46cm) x 3″ long (approximate 7.5cm)


This is a flat knitting project.

You can either crochet the seam closed with single crochet stitches or sew it the usual way.

skill level:


Don’t think because you are a beginner you can not attempt something more advanced.  It is just a matter of trying and stick to the basics.


k     – knit

st    – stitch

sts   – stitches

scrunchie knitting pattern instructions  #1

stitch PATTERN for the striped hair scrunchies:

Knit in stocking stitch:  

  • uneven rows = knit
  • even rows = purl

Cast on 70 sts.

Knit as follows:-

Rows 1 and 3            –  Knit in A

2nd and 4th rows    –  Purl in A

5th to 8th rows        –  Repeat these four rows in B again (8 rows)

Repeat rows 1 to 8 again (16 rows), or until your work is around 18″ long.

Cast off, leaving a long tail (if you are going to stitch the seam closed.

If you are going to crochet the seam closed, don’t cut off your yarn.

How to knit your own hair scrunchies. Free pattern on  Scrunchie Knitting Pattern, Quick and Inexpensive Gift

scrunchie knitting pattern instructions  #2

stitch PATTERN for the reversible shadow rib hair scrunchies:

This scrunchie is knit using one color.

Knit in reversible shadow stitch, more notes available in the stitch pattern post.

The first row of your knitting is counted but is not your front facing fabric – the reverse side of your knitting is the pattern stitch.  


k       –  knit

k1 tbl – knit 1 through back loop

p       –  purl

rep    – repeat

rs      – right side

st      – stitch

ws     – wrong side

Cast on 69 + 2 sts = 71sts.

Knit as follows:-

1st  Row (WS) and all other wrong side rows –  knit;

2nd Row:  p2, *k1 tbl, p2, rep from * to end;

Repeat the pattern (these 2 rows) until you have worked 18 rows (or until your work is around 18″ long).

Cast off, leaving a long tail (if you are going to stitch the seam closed.

If you are going to crochet the seam closed, don’t cut off your yarn.

how to make up your knitted scrunchies (sewing):

Fold your fabric like a book (from side to side), right sides facing and sew the side edge closed (now you have a tube).

With wrong side facing:

Put your hair tie around the tube and position it toward the center and fold fabric over.

Sew the two long edges together using a darning or blunt needle.

Weave in all ends.

Slide the sewn edge towards the inside of the scrunchie to have the outside edge neat and round without the seam (optional).

TO MAKE IT UP (crochet):

Fold your fabric like a book (from side to side), right sides facing and sew the side edge closed (now you have a tube).

With wrong side facing:

Put your hair tie around the tube and position it toward the center and fold fabric over.

Using crochet hook and single crochet stitches (US), crochet the ends together.

Weave in all ends.

Happy knitting!

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