Free Knitted Boho Christmas Tree Ornament, Super Easy
I am quite chuffed how the Boho knitted Christmas Tree Ornament turned our. Really surprised actually. Because it must be the simpliest knitting project I ever made for the blog. For real.But, in the same breath, I need to tell you that it is also one of my most favorite items I ever made in the shortest span of time!That makes this knitting pattern so quick and easy, you can literally knit up a storm.
New to Knitting?
Watch these video’s to learn to knit today:
knitted boho christmas tree ornament – free knitting pattern
materials needed:
- Cotton Yarn (I used Elle Cotton On, Seriously Chunky / Bulky)
- Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn (I used 5.5mm, 9US, 5UK)
- Wooden bead
- Blunt Needles (stitching it together)
- Crochet hook (for fringes)
- The Pattern
I found the Jubilee Bamboo Cotton on Amazon that looks similar to what I’ve used:
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This post contains affiliate links. I may be compensated (at no added cost to you) if you make a purchase using these links.
knitting techniques used:
- Casting on stitches
- How to make a knit stitch
- K2tog
- Casting off stitches
size / dimensions (approximate):
3.5″ wide (8.8cm) x 2.5″ long (approximate 5cm)
(measured without the fringes)
skill level:
Super Easy.
k – knit
k2tog – knit 2 stitches together (to decrease)
k3tog – knit 3 sts together (to decrease)
st – stitch
sts – stitches
knitting pattern instructions
stitch PATTERN for boho christmas tree ornament
Cast on 16 sts.
Knit as follows:-
Rows 1 – knit
2nd Row – k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Repeat row 2 until you have 3 sts left.
k3tog and pull yarn through.
Cast off and weave in ends.
I added the fringes to the bottom edge.
Cut 14 x 2.5″ strands of yarn.
Fold and place folded end through the edges of the casted on stitches (bottom of Christmas tree), with your crochet hook. Pull the ends through and push the knot firmly against your fabric.
Trim the ends.
to wrap it up:
Work a piece of cotton (approximately 8″) through the top of the tree and thread a bead through both pieces of yarn.
Secure with a knot and pull the bead over the knot. This will secure the knit and the knot will not be visible.
You have completed one knitting project for Christmas.
The ornaments will make lovely Handmade Chirstmas gifts for teachers, co-workers and neighbours.
Happy knitting!
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