Special Free Lacy Scarf Knit Pattern for your Little Darling
I ‘developed’ the free lacy scarf knit pattern with my little Chene in mind, as she will be celebrating her second birthday next month.
The scarf became very long, and I actually doubted the length for a moment. When Madam Mieke visited (second granddaughter), I was measuring it around her neck and asked: Do you like it – “No”, she said, “I want a pink one”.
Today, I added the pom-poms, and she said – “I want a hat too!” I said: “A pink one?” “No, like this one, this is mine”.
So, let’s hope you and your little team of madams, like the pattern, just as Mieke did!
***You can find the Free PDF version of this pattern in my Resource Library. (easy printing!)***.

Special free lacy scarf knit pattern for your little darling
What you’ll need
100g of yarn (double knit )
Knitting Needles according to the thickness of your yarn
Blunt Needles (stitching it together)
The Pattern
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k – knit
k2tog- knit 2 together
p – purl
psso – pull slip stitch over
rep – repeat
sl 1 – slip 1 stitch
st – Stitch
sts – Stitches
yf – yarn forward
the pattern –
Cast on stitches in multiples of 8 + 7.
For the scarf in the image, 31 stitches were cast on.
1st row – knit to end
2nd and every alternative row – purl to end
3rd row – k3, *yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k6; rep from * to last 4 sts, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k2
5th row – k1, *k2tog, yf, k1, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k3; rep from * to last 6 sts, k2tog, yf, k1, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k1
7th row – knit to end
9th row – k7, *yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k6; rep from * to end
11th row – k5, *k2tog, yf, k1, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, k3; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2
12th row – purl
These 12 rows form one pattern.
Repeat these 12 rows until your work is the desired length.

want a pdf of the pattern?
The pattern is available in the Resource Library of Easy on the Tongue for free.
making the pom poms for your lacy scarf
- Firstly, match up the holes and bumps of each of the two halves.
- Start in the middle of one half (2 pieces) and wrap yarn around the whole of the circle. The thicker your yarn, the fuller the pom-pom.
- Repeat the same process for the other half.
- Close the latches of the two halves.
- Cut around the outside of the ring (scissors will fit in the groove) and repeat for the other side.
- Take a length of yarn and slip it through the gap of the two rings, tie it off firmly; Wrap the yarn around, and knot again, if you want.
- Remove the pom-pom maker.
- Trim to neaten the edges.

Finishing the lacy scarf
Thread cast on yarn onto your darning needle and sew a running stitch along one end of the scarf (or an extra piece of yarn, if the end is not long enough).
Cinch it very tight. Then, making sure it stays cinched, sew up and down through the pom-pom catching the cinched end of the scarf. Continuing going up and down until the pom-pom is sewn to the scarf securely.
Tie off all ends.
Repeat with the other end.
Weave in all ends. Congratulations, one scarf is completed!
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happy knitting!